A Tale of Two Systems Smart NetworksMichael RohwerOctober 15, 2016Lund Report, managed care, complex adaptive system, affordable care, individualized care
The Curandi Model™ - A Framework for Success ConceptsMichael RohwerSeptember 24, 2016smart networks, networks, models, systems thinking, wicked problems, shared purpose, self-organized, complex adaptive system, community
Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety ConceptsMichael RohwerSeptember 22, 2016Ashby's Law, complex adaptive system, smart networks
Delivering More Value from Simple Purpose Based Rules ConceptsMichael RohwerSeptember 20, 2016shared purpose, systems thinking, complex adaptive system, networks, self-organized, affordable care, individualized care
Effective Management Uses the Nature of the System’s Environment ConceptsMichael RohwerSeptember 18, 2016smart networks, systems thinking, complex adaptive system
Healthcare Is Not Economically Sustainable Despite All Our Effort ConceptsMichael RohwerSeptember 16, 2016smart networks, affordable care, complex adaptive system