Featured Projects
The Fostering Hope Initiative (FHI) is a neighborhood-based collective impact project in Marion County, Ore. A collaborative of independent social service and behavioral health providers, FHI gathers the expertise of many agencies together and focuses their efforts on the shared goal of helping families in low-income neighborhoods build skills and connections to combat toxic stress and break the cycle of abuse.
The collective impact structure has allowed FHI to significantly reduce parental stress levels in its neighborhoods, and is a model example of how collaborative, adaptable networks can improve individuals’ lives, strengthen communities and reduce the cost of care.
Curandi is proud to be an FHI member. We are actively working to provide a platform to improve partner collaboration and track the contributions of each partner agency to make performance-based payment possible. Our goal is to help the project become a sustainable long-term model for other projects and agencies around the country.
To read more about FHI, check out the series on our blog, or visit the Fostering Hope website.
Create a Project in Your Community
If you are interested in learning how you can strengthen your community health system, Curandi is excited to share our experience. If you would like our assistance starting a test project, we look forward to partnering with you and sharing what we learn together to help other communities create opportunity for all. Contact us today.